Monday, February 27, 2012

BatchBen #9: Yodel this

Ben's biggest fear? That he'll get it wrong. Oh, honey. You already have. But that's the easy joke. Actually, doesn't everyone want a good match? And if the definition of a good match is someone who's like you, well, Ben, meet Courtney. (And that "unexplainable chemistry" you're describing, yeah, that's a naked girl throwing herself at you.) Actually, Jill's wish is for the final two to be Nicki and Courtney, and he picks Nicki (for maximum Courtney humiliation) and then Nicki dumps him. I must say, there would be a certain sweet justice there.

Nicki's date: These Bachelor producers have the best job in the world. Who got to scout the helicopter ride and the picnic location in the Swiss Alps? (And with that pinnacle overlook, how did the helicopter land on a spot that was hardly big enough for the two of them to stand on?) I like Nicki. She was one of my initial top three for being classy right out of the limo, which automatically makes her a YCDB. And automatically makes me wish that she'll say no to an overnight with a guy who's going to ask another girl the same thing tomorrow night. But girls everywhere need to learn the lesson of The Bachelor: If you don't want to lose your guy, give him anything he wants.

Linzi's date: Remember, dirt is her makeup! What could be a more perfect date than extreme outdoor sports? she hiding a wee little princess inside? No, no room for a princess. Too many relationship cliches bottled up in there! "You need to overcome your fear of getting hurt," "Stepping off a ledge is a lot like stepping into a relationship," "You have to be there for each other, just like stepping off a cliff." And best I could tell, they were being lowered. No rappelling. Just sitting there. #2 at the overnight invite. And...can we stop saying "vulnerable"? When she's lying back on the pillows with her dress up to her waist, hearing the dude involved describe her as "the most vulnerable I've ever seen her" is downright disturbing.

Courtney's date: Again, who got to scout the villages and picnic sites for this date? HOW DO I GET THAT JOB? On the picnic, though, I'm not understanding where Ben came up with this sudden concern about Courtney and the girls. What's happened between him giving her the last rose and then meeting her for this date? He found his better nature? Wait--no. Of course not. All he wanted to hear to explain away displays of poor character was "I'm sorry." Well, you got it. And a little something on the side. I wonder how he'll feel about that when she does something cruel and selfish and tells him, "Well, I SAID I'm sorry!"

The Emily interlude: I'm guessing they picked these three "girlfriends" before Allie broke up with Roberto. Mighty small pool of Bachelor success story girls to put together. And my feeling about that season remains...poor li'l Rickie.

The Kacie interlude: Ding-ding-ding! His answer to why he let her go: We come from "different worlds." Code for: "standards that make me uncomfortable." And he doesn't get what she's saying about Courtney. Of course.

The rose ceremony: Nice show of having wrestled with the decision. Did anyone ever really believe it? Sorry, Nicki. He didn't get what you said about Courtney, either. Or what five or six other people said about her. Or what she said about herself. Sure, life is like a box of chocolates, but when enough people are telling you the same thing about what's inside the pretty dark one with the extra-shiny icing...believe them.

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