Monday, June 4, 2012

Emily 1-2: catchup

I had a hard time stirring myself to blog again. Been having fine conversations with friends as the first couple of episodes started, textersations with the daughters...and doing the blog requires that I actually sit while I'm watching. So hard. But we've had some great conversations for sure, so...maybe it's time to get some of it in print.

So, a few observations from the first two episodes, then I'll forge on ahead with Episode 3:

1. Emily is Boring Barbie. My DIL Michelle would strenuously argue. Please do. I just really want a funny bachelorette. I do like the way she's being pretty quick on the take when somebody says something stupid. Makes me think there might be more there than you'd think. A tiny bit more. I have a policy of assuming that anyone who goes on the Bachelor/Bachelorette is labeling him- or herself an idiot out of the gate, but I'm open to seeing something more emerge as the show goes on.

2. Boring Barbie has been told she's beautiful so many times she doesn't even hear it anymore. Wow,  you're stunning. You're gorgeous. You're so beautiful. My goodness, you look amazing. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And I'm sorry--did you just say something?

3. Boring Barbie is NOT living the life of an "ordinary single mom." 95% of single moms would never complain about the lack of a man in their lives again if they could just be full-time moms in a tricked-out suburban mini-mansion, baking cookies for the soccer team, driving an Escalade (never know how much stuff mini-Barbie might need to tote around with her to playdates or American Girl parties). An unknown percentage of married women would consider knocking their husbands off for it.

4. Turning all those children loose at the park and commanding them and the grown men to play with each other might've been the creepiest thing I've ever seen on this creepy show. If one of them had said, "I'm sorry, this makes me really uncomfortable," he should've gotten a straight pass to the final three.

5. The dude who stepped in it so bad at the park by saying he wouldn't "love on you as much" if Emily got fat might be a pig, but surely isn't a surprise. Girl has fake hair, fake teeth, fake boobs, fake tan, fake lips, fake lashes...and then she acts offended if she attracts the kind of man who's into that stuff?

6. Head Wound Charlie is just as sweet and good and cute as can be, but what woman is going to choose, out of a pool of healthy hot thangs, a man who's going to be dealing with brain injury issues for the rest of his life? They need a mercy rule for things like this.

7. Did you see Emily's bathroom makeup station/suite/compound?

About all I can think of right now. Please fill in what I forgot...

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