Monday, June 25, 2012

Emily #6: Prague, city of feelings

We're off to Prague! Well, Emily is off to Prague, with the boys. "We" doesn't actually include me. <sigh> Still bucking for that producer job...

Travel note: It seems the main square in Prague is pretty well thronging even in the off season. Which is good because Arie's about to get busted for "briefly" dating a producer "many years" ago, and the bigger the crowd, the better. (Will someone please explain to me the size of the Bachelor/ette world where people all seem to know each other and have dating experience with each other?) Okay, here it comes...she's gonna bust him...any second now... What? Now it's evening and they've already talked about it? This is a very weird segment, with the producer interview, the skips to Chris in L.A., the great big glaring hole in the middle of the date...bizarre. Press-driven last-minute re-edits, I guess.

John's date is mathematically doomed from the start. Too-late first date. Can't ever catch up.

Sean is seriously going to hunt through Prague for wherever Emily is? Impressive. Finding her? More impressive. I see her lipstick is in pretty good shape for having just come from a date with a guy who thinks his date couldn't have gone better. Methinks it could've. Or I need to know where she buys her  lipstick.

To the group date! Is Doug going to be the dad everywhere? There he is, in the carriage, sitting by himself holding an umbrella over the others. Thanks, Dad. Plus Chris all seething over not having a solo date...two out of three on this date are hanging on by their fingernails. And one just slipped. Buh-bye, Doug. Next? Chris's crazy, ragged, gnawed-to-the-bone, self-destroyed nails. Just me, or is she looking pretty stiff during that kiss? Uh, nope. Not just me. Congratulations on that rose, Sean.

Jef's date: That puppet show is simultaneously super awkward and super sweet. In a weird and surprising way, I can honestly see those two working out. Emily seems different around him. There's...a sparkle.

The non-cocktail non-party: Ironic, because this is one where alcohol would've been a mercy. Maybe John will make up for it in the hotel bar before he ships out.


  1. What about SLCs jefs parents having a commitment for a "Couple years," or his large family. Anyone else reading Inactive from a Mormon family here?

    Chris was creeping me out. A little too much of crazy. But he won't make it to the next level anyway.

    And I still like Sean.

  2. Yeah, my guess is he's got a Mormon family that needs a whole lot more splainin' than he wants to get into and could tank the whole deal with Emily. Selling a Mormon family to a Southern Christian girl could go about as well as selling a Southern Christian family to a libertine went last season. But still...there's definitely something there.

  3. Ganelle--you wrote exactly what I was gonna write! Def a Mormon gone wrong. Parents are definitely on a mission and his little sister must be too. ("in China") His hair has got to go. He looks like a 14 yr old boy. Chris is really the creepy one though. His hot temper, tantrums and f bombs are not really making him appear as "mature" as he claims to be. Watch out....yikes.
