Monday, May 30, 2011

Episode 2 #2

Nice moment with Jeff. "I'm taking the stealth approach while all these other guys are riding around in cabs." Do please speak up if you have the foggiest idea what he might mean.

You know, most guys would think a first date that involved ring shopping would be a warning. Instead, he ends up looking a little brokenhearted when she dumps him at the altar. Steppingstone Wills again. But wait! No! She's "actually falling for him." Actually. Falling. Because that's how love works.


  1. That white mini dress is REALLY short. Actually, upon further review, all of Ashley's dresses are really short. Hmmm... so are her shirts.

    I don't like when they show all of the people who are "fans" that come up to her. It snaps me out of the disillusion that they are in this process (more on the "process" later) alone, just like any of the rest of us would be - that their dates are normal, that they talk about all the basic stuff that we talk about when getting to know someone, and that there's isn't a makeup artist standing six feet away ready to correct their fly aways. I just don't like it.

    So what we learn is that after 45 minutes together (since they didn't need to wait in an airport security line) Ashley has come to the conclusion that William isn’t ready to walk down the isle. I hated this date.

  2. Also, did William really think that they were going to drive to Vegas? Has he ever seen this show before?

    Kory: "What an ill-conceived date."

    Kory: "Ashley is celebrating her insecurities through date planning."

    Kory: "I'm having a hard time understanding the instant devotion on this show."

    I think William thinks he has an awesome sense of humor. And the fact that Ashley thinks so too clearly indicates their compatibility. Un-funny people deserve each other. I mean, if he thinks a George Bush impersonation will make someone more attracted to him, then I'll pass.
