Monday, January 16, 2012

BatchBen #3: The Party-Crash

AHA! Chris Harrison, you mad manipulator, you. NOW we know why Brittney left. You must've started pumping subliminal "something's wrong here" messages into her head at night so she'd leave voluntarily and open up a spot for...Shawntel! Who has "super-strong" feelings for Ben. Even though they've met only in passing through the Bachelor/ette fraternity mixers. Perhaps all her other relationships are with the equally unaware and unresponsive funeral parlor clientele, so she thinks that's normal.

Courtney is odd.

Question: As Shawntel was walking in, and a number of girls were heard to say "Who are you?" did anyone else, along with me, say "Who are YOU?" Seriously. I still don't know who half these girls are. But I definitely want them all there, because it adds spectacularly to the size of the crowd just standing there, maybe 10' away, watching Shawntel and Ben sit on the chaise. They could've done more with camera angles to play that up.

Elyse, the personal trainer, who got personally crashed by Shawntel's arrival, needs to work on her angry face in front of the mirror. That's not going to look good in another 15 years.

WHY did they all not turn on Chris when he walked in? Shawntel clearly threw him to the lions when she explained how she'd gotten there. WHAT is his magic power? Ah! I've got it! He's the Bachelor Adjustment Bureau!

And despite the high drama, it ends well. Don't worry, Shawntel. You'll get another shot after he breaks up with whoever he ends up choosing. Erika, don't you worry either. We know it wasn't The Bachelor that made you faint. Jaclyn...well, maybe you should worry. Whenever you come out of the bathroom.

Ew. Did you see the credits? I think we know now why Erika went home. Scratch that "don't worry." We're definitely worried ABOUT you.

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