Monday, January 23, 2012

Breaking News: And the next Bachelorette is...


The family bag of reaction, via email summarized here, is mixed:
Jill, diplomatically and with admirable journalistic ethics, broke the news and then made no further comment. I called it a snooze and was irritated at Emily for shattering any illusion I might have harbored that she was Better Than All This. Danny called her hot but boring, Michelle countered that Brad, not Emily, was the source of the boring (certainly true), and said she thought Emily would be great because she's real and the producers would outdo themselves casting the guys. She also registered disapproval of her husband's "grade A babe" comment. Cheryl gives Emily the "I'm not hopping mad, I'm hopping disappointed" lecture for crying about the media attention in the wake of the Brad breakup and then...stepping right back in front of the cameras.

The discussion also got us Michelle's suggestion that as long as we're taking post-breakup candidates for Bachelor/ette, that Roberto should be the next Bachelor. Take that, also-rans. I also suggested we keep an eye on Ashley of the Emily-Based Insecurity and JP or JR or JD or whatever his name was. They WILL break up, and it WILL be during Emily's run as the Bachelorette, which Ashley will certainly watch every minute of, and then dissolve into a heap of "They all wanted HER" weeping every Monday night, followed closely by "I know YOU really wanted HER" weeping, followed by...said breakup. You can take that to the bank.

1 comment:

  1. It will be interesting to see how she manages her standards and being an appropriately protective of her kids.
    That said, I always found her kinda blah.
