Sunday, July 31, 2011

Episode 10 #2: The part with the boyz

Bentley, you contract-breaking weak sauce. Where are you? According to someone Cheryl knows who knows somebody else, he's in Park City with Emily. Stay tuned for more. But you'd have to stay tuned for a long time.

T-shirt Tim the Drunk Guy looks like a drunk guy when he's sober. Nice you could dress. With that Jersey accent he's got "I Like Beer" stamped on his forehead. Correction: "I Like Beeyah."

Jeff the Mask looks really, really hurt that people are still laughing at him.

You know, back in the first episode, William the Commediam did not come across as the kind of creep he seems to be. Had him picked for the final few. Oops. The pain he's still suffering over the roast business is a bit redeeming, though. Perhaps he's reformed.

Stalker Ryan Rah-Rah...brought nothing new to the interview. Next!

Ames still looks dazed. I think it's the eyes on the sides of his head. And the post-whiplash neck stiffness. And the mannequin wave. He sure is hitting with the ladies in the audience, though. There seems to be a real "We'll take your underappreciated castoff!" phenomenon.

Bentley. Still. "We worked really hard to invite him, but he declined." Seriously? They have a CONTRACT. I'd be interested to know how he weaseled out.

And at the end, one nagging question: How does the Bachelorette manage to find so many damaged, pretty packages as these men?

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