Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Episode 9 #2: Ryan returns!

Creepy, right? Ryan, the guy that gets told straight-up "I don't feel anything for you," then calls the producers and says sure, I'm so weirdly obsessed with a woman I barely know that I'm willing to get kicked in the gut for national entertainment! Buy me a ticket! Send me to Fiji for my shot at love! I'm willing to hang out on some of the best beaches in the world for a few days, having umbrella drinks and hors d'oerves brought to me, and see what happens. These are the kinds of sacrifices people make every day for people they love. Aw, go for it, Ashley. There are weirder ways to start a family, right? Like, options A, B, and C already on offer.


  1. What are the odds this is all about Fiji? Certainly Bentley's trip was all about a free trip to asia, no?

    I'm tempted to try out for the next show just so I can travel the world while staying in fabulous suites.

  2. I was totally thinking the same thing Ganelle! It really does make you realize how distorted the show can get for people who just want an experience and free travel! And Yes, Ryan, TOTAL creepoid. Take a hint.

  3. Steve looked over at me during the Ryan business with this keeping-down-the-bile expression and said, "That's just pathetic." But yes, for the free trip to Fiji, I'd be happy to stand and gaze thoughtfully across the water while producers said, "A little more to the right. Hands in your pockets. No, just one hand. That's nice. Hold that."
