Monday, July 18, 2011

Episode 8 #6: And the broken heart goes to...

I hope everybody saw that ad for the Bachelor Pad. The Bachelorette is just a warm-up for the level of trashy exploitation of immature narcissists just around the corner. Don't miss it.

Wait--what? Straight to the rose ceremony without an alcohol primer? How is the one who gets cut supposed to handle this? I hope somebody filled the bar in the limo. But first, the ones who are fine without pain meds:

Ben. Duh.
JP. Duh.
Constantine. Duh.
Ames...What an expression! You could actually hear that breaking sound, couldn't you? And feel it in your own gut, right? Oh, honey. Things are gonna turn out better for you. Trust us. It's the Bachelor/ette Way. A trip to Fiji will be much better for you when you have a girl you're not passing around with two other guys.

I must say, though, I'm SUPER excited about the sister drama waiting for us in the finale: "I'm just trying to save you from yourself." Yeah, there's history there. Can't wait to dig it up!


  1. Ok. Super stoked for Bachelor Pad and all of it's trashiness. Ames' face was priceless! I don't think I've ever felt so bad for someone who was so clearly in another world. (Except maybe that one really crazy dude who got that tattoo for Ali.)

  2. I liked Ames final line "I guess I will go on an adventure by myself". Poor Ames, his perfectly tanned face barely changed the whole night. Though I really enjoyed him looking around at everyone as if someone was about to yell "punked". Poor, poor Ames. Michelle Money is going to eat you alive.

  3. Ha! Bingo! He was totally waiting for the "punked" moment. Maybe even still in the limo.

  4. Poor ames. Always looking so surprised. The twitchy - checking to make sure - look at the end didn't do him any favors. Please see Ames' date post for my affection toward him.
