Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Episode 9 #7: A rose ceremony without math

And it's raining. Again. Should this mean something? For now, at least, it's a fitting accompaniment to a pretty anticlimactic wrapup. Gray. Drippy. And all the oversharing will have to wait another episode or two. (But can we hardly wait for the fight with the super-inked sister?) So maybe this is a good time to start a list of Things That Are Odd About Bachelor/ette Dating (excluding the original premise, of course):

People who had a great night together and are starting to get twittered don't talk between dates. No phone calls, no texting, no expressions of extracurricular interest.

Standing at the opposite ends of a long rug to talk about where the relationship will go from here.

Watching how your love interest flirts with other people.

Talking to strangers about how you're feeling before, during, and after a date.

And finally, wondering what your rejects are going to say about you at The Men Tell All! Double whammy this week! See you Sunday! Until then, keep adding to the list.

1 comment:

  1. It shut off on me too. As least there was no mystery to have been left wondering about.
