Monday, July 11, 2011

Episode 7 #6: Brad/Emily post-mortem

...or, ABC's Shameless Self-Promotional Examination of Its Show's Failures. From Chris, the truth: "It is with a degree of regret that we bring you the following." A small degree. Then there's a whole lot of degrees of glee with which they bring us this ratings-booster.

How on earth did Emily end up on the Bachelor? What is the process by which an apparently modest, serious, composed, responsible woman decides to put herself on this show? I mean, she filled out an application, prepared an audition video... She WANTED to do this. She thought it through and decided it was a good idea. Who was she listening to? I want to be totally heartless toward people who as full-on grownups decide to do this, but I just can't do it here.

So I'm glad the show ended with a dog lifting its leg on the Love Balloon. Says everything for me, in a funnier way than I could by myself right now. Here's to better things on the hometown dates!

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. Poor thing. I can only imagine how much she regrets her decision. Thank you, Emily, for being an example that fame is not always awesome, and we shouldn't all try to destroy our lives to have it. Thank you for also being beautiful so that we could enjoy looking at you while you taught us this valuable lesson.

