Monday, July 11, 2011

Episode 7 #4: Ryan's date

For such a high-energy, talk-and-go-all-the-time guy as Ryan is, I'm bored out of my mind for most of this date. Maybe this is how they chose this episode to fill with the Emily/Brad business: there was just not enough going on with this date to build a show on. "All these people--it's just, it's just..." "Hey look at that bird! So cool!" And the capper: "Have I told you about water heaters?"

Oof! That look on his face when she tells him she's not feeling it! It's like watching somebody kick a puppy. And hearing it give a little yelp and limp away. And watching it curl up and keep crying. And then squeeze out a tear. And the cameras WON'T GO AWAY. Here's the deal, you super-good guy: You won't be able to keep the girls away when you get back home. There's a wonderful girl in your future who won't kick you in front of cameras.


  1. I actually feel bad for Ryan. I believe that he is boring and obnoxious (statements which usually are mutually exclusive), but I also believe that he suffered greatly at the hand of the show's editing.

    Chin up, Ryan, there are plenty of perky girls who will be thrilled to chat about the butterflies and rainbows with you. You have a nice face.

  2. p.s. My security word to post that comment was "ashos". Doesn't that kind of sound like someone with a speech impediment who is trying to say "ass holes"?
