Monday, July 18, 2011

Episode 8 #5: JP from NY

Good grief what a garden they meet in. I'm planting hyacinths this fall fo sho. After that botanical miracle, it seems a bit sad he takes her inside on such a gorgeous spring day. But look how thoughtful JP is--rollerskating does seem suited for the slightly bowlegged.

Really, all these guys are straight-up adorable. We're looking at the next Bachelor somewhere here. And I think Ashley's right (?!??)--there's good energy in this family.

HOLD ON! Ashley just said she's learned along "this journey" that she needs to listen to her head! WHAT?!?? As if nearly derailing the whole thing with her Bentley obsession wasn't enough, now she's going to upend the ENTIRE premise of the show by admitting that she can't ENTIRELY trust her "feelings"? I can't believe the editors didn't chop that blasphemy right out.


  1. JP is my personal fave. Their chemistry is visible. When she kissed Ames, it made me cringe. I'm sure she won't pick him though. That's too easy. And the previews for next week tell me something goes very wrong.

  2. Ashley, as well as America, will be having nightmares about kissing Ames. I love JP. I love the roller rink. I love that Ashley seems like a normal capable human when she is with JP.

    On the other hand, they are both seriously insecure and did JP seem paranoid to anyone other than me? All the things his old girlfriend used to do....sounded a lot like Ashley dating other guys and JP throwing a fit...

  3. There is some serious something up with JP. Remember him freaking out right before the group date - but was fine only once he got the tux? And he said that the issue with previous girl was that SHE gave HIM reason to distrust HER. All her fault? Or crazy jealous man? Hmm. There is a pattern there that needs exploration.

  4. I just don't like that he mentioned carbs on their date. Eat the damn lasagna, JP. And have seconds. You'll be fine.

    Other than that, this date seemed to go well. I did think the roller skate thing was cute. I could see them together because they seem to be on each other's level - intellectually, emotionally, vertically... And yes, they definitely have chemistry.
