Monday, June 20, 2011

Episode 5 #5: The cocktail party/rose ceremony

...or "Be true to yourself," in which Ashley tells everybody to open up. Put it all out there. Because that worked out so well for Chantal.

Ames still looks a little stunned. I hope he doesn't open up to a degree that he starts saying something embarrassing about his gastrointestinal health.

And she's completely messing everything up for herself with her head still wrapped around Bentley. Did he even begin to guess that his little game would have THIS many repercussions?

So slam goes the cocktail party, and she leaves to tell Chris...bring me the head of Bentley. Why is she hesitating to tell this to Chris? She's been talking about Bentley in all these confessionals. Does she think it's like a priest's confessional? Does she not realize she's talking to producers who TALK TO EACH OTHER and perhaps, oh, maybe, THE HOST?

Scratch my earlier post! The REAL line of the night, from Chris, in response to Ashley's "In times where I need comfort, I think about him. Is that normal?" Here it comes:


Touche! This man is clearly a professional. Chris Harrison and Cat Deely should get together. They would breed PERFECT hosts.

What are the producers thinking while they listen to her waffle and whine and fret? Is this gonna blow our schedule? Ruin our show? Do whatever it takes! FIX THIS!

To the rose ceremony, where Ames is still not quite focusing on the right thing. Hooray! He recognized his own name and hit his mark to get the rose! Better visual acuity tomorrow, buddy, we hope.

Goodbye invisible surfer dude. No surprises. Nick? Is that the name? He seems like a nice enough guy, with good enough looks to fare pretty well on his own. If only he didn't show catastrophic lack of judgment by going on the Bachelorette...

To Hong Kong! One of her favorite cities in the world, because everybody is her size! Where all the bachelors are going to be furious to learn she's been carrying a torch for Bentley all this time! Where she's going to ruin EVERYTHING for herself! There is no way for anybody to screw this up: Next week is going to be stupendous.


  1. Ok, first of all, I feel like we were lied to. I was led to believe that Bentley was going to be back on THIS episode. With about 20 minutes to spare, I realized that there wasn't time. And I felt sad.

    If I were a drinking woman, a fun game would be to take a shot every time she said his name. Can you IMAGINE how drunk you would be at the end of the episode? Well, too drunk to enjoy the episode, unfortunately.

    I absolutely love this idea of Chris and Cat making host babies. Who needs Therapist ____ (I just forgot his name - the one from last season... JAMIE!)? We've got Chris to _try_ to talk some sense into Ashley (and I doubt professional help could do much anyway). Did you see the look on his face? He seriously looked like he wanted to slap her when she said she keeps thinking about Bentley. She must feel like such an idiot. It ruined their night. Chris thinks she's stupid. It's apparently going to destroy many a-future episode/"relationship." I mean, wow.

    I'm fine with Nick going home. All that I know about him is that he's strong, and the guys were jealous of his body. Sorry, Nick, you can't win my allegiance off of that alone.

    Ok... well, I guess we'll have to wait for next week. It's really going to be a train wreck. How are they going to get anyone to ever sign up to be on this show again? It's imploding!

  2. One more thing:

    Scroll down. They make this available in a ONESIE?!?! I like the show, but getting my BABY involved? I don't know. There's something that just doesn't sit well with me.

  3. Wow. I need to find a way to make the onesie ("baby bodysuit," so it sounds sexier) an icon for the blog.
